Wednesday, April 28, 1999

Of Contents and Containers

A mass movement without the masses is not a movement at all. Reformation without a reformation of the mind is not reformation at all.

Compartmentalised into their respective containers the Malaysian rakyat is put exactly where the present powers that be want them. And what we continue to hear is the unending dialectic of why and how the different containers should remain separate for the good of the contents themselves and the country.

Isolated from each other and limited in number, the contents of each container could not do much to challenge the container-maker.
Eventually the container-maker decided that he could do what he like to the contents and get away with it; and the contents were helpless in their respective containers.

One of the contents then asked: " Do we need to be in these containers ?" That got everybody thinking and they thought and they thought but was afraid to get out of these containers." The same content said: "Collectively we are a country full of very good and diverse content. We can do a lot together. In spite of being brought up in separate containers, we are all of the same shared experience. We have shared a common past and like it or not we will share a common future. And deep down inside we really are all of the same content."

All the contents than began to see through the containers and recognise themselves in each other. A common Fraternity ! The container-maker was very shrewd. He told some of the content that he could give them more content if they remained in their containers. These same contents abused their privileges and caused great suffering to the other contents. All the other contents began to see that it was very unfair that some contents were better treated than them. And they asked for Equality !

The container-maker also told the contents they should be angry at each other, not at him, because some of the contents wanted more of the contents for themselves. Although locked in their separate containers, when they began to compare notes on the internet and elsewhere they realised that they are actually one and the same and were not really angry with each other.

A deep resolute anger began to seethe in the contents at the very thought of these containers that separated them and the container-maker who kept them there. This anger infected each content one by one until all the content was affected by this rage that they should at all be put into these containers.
One day, as more and more of them came to the realisation, no more could they stand it; they said: "Lets rise up together and get rid of the containers that separate and weaken us. Only then can we get rid of the container-maker and his malcontents! " Their rallying call was Liberty !

"It is all the mind !" shouted one content. "The container-maker does not really make any containers. Its all an illusion he made us insecure contents believe in; he had us make all these containers in our minds so that we could feel safe. But there is no need for them now." When all the contents realised this was true, the containers disappeared in a whoosh and in this way began the famous mass movements and successful revolutions in history. Fraternitie ! Equalitie ! Libertie !
